The Te Araroa Trail
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

New Zealand’s Trail
Sometimes its all about the journey. And sometimes, that journey doesn’t necessarily have a beginning or an end. Our journey has morphed into something unexpected and wonderful. We’ve discovered a need to connect to earth as well as the sea. We must lift our anchor and follow this new path that is calling. And we are not alone, for Bosco is with us in spirit.
The Te Araroa is a 3000 kilometer trail that spans the entire country of New Zealand. And if you have ever seen a little movie called Lord of the Rings, you know just how magical this countryside is (all CGI aside). Our goal is to re-discover and connect to the earth, apart from technology and comfort. There is no better place than this magical place and no better way than human effort. Through doses of purity, simplicity, sacrifice and struggle, we hope to discover something new within ourselves.
Our goal is not necessarily to complete the trail. That would be an amazing feat. But we’ve learned from our time sailing that its better to leave every door and window of opportunity wide open, because it seems things never go as we think. And the experience is more enjoyable if we let the universe guide us, rather than force our will upon it. It will be a success just to get to the starting point, in Southern New Zealand’s Bluff. For now, our focus will be in the south island. We don’t know where we’ll end until time reveals her mysteries.
A famous quote from The Hobbit comes to mind: Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost. I couldn’t have said it better myself, J.R.R. Tolkien

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